A couple of busy hours at the allotment, while off for Easter hols.
To re-cap, we've got 3 beds weed free and planted with Maris Piper potatoes.
Another 2 beds are in fairly good shape. The wooden structures around the beds seem to generally have been damaged whilst I've not been at the plot.
The brambles had been chopped back over the last couple of visits, and the raspberry canes/bushes now have more space to grow.
So today, I gave a couple of hours attention to the patch that has never had any raised beds on it. Pretty sure I've grown runner beans here, and probably courgettes too.
I was going to give a good digging over with a fork, mattock or spade, but started to hoe some dandelions on the plot first. These weeds are easily seeded on the wind, so quickly spread across the whole allotment... there are no fences/walls between plots to stop them. The path that leads from the entrance to the allotment up to my plot shows a procession of dandelions heading towards my plot!
The dandelion clearance was quite successful (as much as you can be against these weeds!) and so carried on the work on the area above the raised beds. Two hours later, and I'm impressed that it went so well.
I will continue clearing with the hoe at the top of the plot, and hopefully will have the majority of the plot ready for planting in a week or so...ready for next lot of spuds (Charlotte variety), and the rest of the plants being grown from seed.
The problem with clearing out the weeds with the hoe, is that it probably hasn't got all the roots out of the ground. Some will be fully removed, but some weeds have deep roots and are very persistent....never mind, what was above ground has gone and the continued hoeing will keep on top of the weeds for the time being.
Above is general view of plot today...raspberry bush in foreground, and rest of plot -including newly cleared area.
I met a neighbour on the allotment today. He lives on same road as me at the end of my block, stopped for a chat - he's been working the allotment for 20 years plus! Never seen him there before though, and guess it is down to the weekend vs weekday allotmenteering routines that people have.
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