Saturday, 30 May 2009

Early Harvest

Long time no blog, but a lot has been going on.
Onions are coming home, as they've got to a nice big size. Also been bringing home lots of broad beans, so have had a nice few meals with them included on the menu.
While at the allotment someone gave me a recipe idea....a salad of broad beans with feta cheese and tomatoes. Was a pretty nice meal, added oil, balsamic and some red onion to complete the package. Can't see anything wrong with broad beans, so not too sure why they don't feature in the supermarkets.
Sweetcorn update....well of the 40 plants that I had grown from seed, and planted out...about 6 are left...the rest were just too tasty a prospect for the slugs, and have been munched!
So I've got a few more seeds in the trays, and will hopefully end up with enough plants that they'll propagate each other....sweetcorn is wind propagated, so you should have then planted close enough for this to happen. I'll see if the remaining plants can get bigger an think about moving them closer to each other.
Seeing how effective that the slugs are at filling their bellies, I'm going to keep my other small plants at home until they are a fair bit bigger. So the french beans and peas will wait a while at home.
Strawberries are looking good, got some nice red ones. So hoping that a few will be coming home.
The fish seem very happy in the pond now, and are a lot more visible now that the weather is warming up. I'm really happy that I got the pond sorted out, it is always a pleasure to get down and check on them.

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