I don't think the quality is very good. These photos are taken on a t303 sony ericsson phone - which was brought in a rush as I needed a phone quickly after dropping my old but reliable phone down a toilet pan!! Mobile phone tip 1: do not store phone in shirt pocket, it will fall out at a time that is pretty inconvenient! Mobile phone tip 2: keep your numbers on the SIM card, then when the phone gets soaked the numbers are still saved!
Any how the new cheap and cheerful phone was purchased in a rush and didn't realise that the screen is mirrored - very useful for when I need to sort out my make-up (and that is never as I'm a fairly normal guy, who goes for the natural look!!), but totally useless when being used in bright sunlight, or for taking photos...I don't think this "feature" has been thought through.
Mobile phone tip 3: Before buying a mobile phone, research the features, and if possible avoid mirrored screens!
Then again it is a new phone, so someone might advise how to deal with this.
OK, that is a long enough excuse for rubbish photos, so here they are:

Onion bed, all looking good and healthy, although the shoots have all been knocked over. Not taken many home, as the lady of the house keeps getting them from the market! D'oh!

Raspberry (autumn fruiting, apparently!!) Very sweet and tasty.

Ribena plant, still taste a bit earthy - though the berrys are nice and fat.

A ladybird larvae, having a rest after eating lots of black fly (hopefully) on one of the french bean plants.

Some black fly that need a visit from a lady bird larvae, on a different french bean plant. When the leaves get really infested they curl over...which is about all you'll be able to see, unless you check the undersides of leaves!!

The broad bean bed, now cleared and hosting the small toms, and courgette plants..

Hmm, this is the mixed bag that was supposed to be for (from l to r ) beetroot, carrot and parsnip (not sure if any can through!). But, is actually hosting a few tomato plants, a sunflower and various weeds!! See other posts for more...

My sweetcorn, now they are big, I'm hoping that the slugs will leave them be....got some more coming on in the garden, so will hopefully finish with a good crop.

A ladybird - hopefully laying some eggs, that will later fill its belly with black fly - support your local ladybirds.

And lastly, this out of focus shot is of a ladybird larvae, that is on it's way to being a ladybird- not seen this before - shows you what you notice, when you are looking closely at stuff!
Still no good shots of the fish...they are too fast, and the camera phone is too mirrored to get a clean photo!